Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, passed away peacefully earlier this morning at Singapore General Hospital. As Singapore mourns the loss of its founding father, several Community Clubs around the island have set up Memorial Halls in their premises during this period. Below are details of classes that are affected:

24th March 2015, Tuesday - Bishan Community Club (Class resumes 31st March, Tuesday)

27th March 2015, Friday - Toa Payoh Central Community Club (Class resumes 10th April, Friday)

The Grading that is scheduled on 7th April at Bishan Community Club remains unaffected. We will keep those who are grading updated should there be any changes to the Grading Date.

Aikido Kenshin-Kai salutes Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, and would like to express our heartfelt thanks to him for a lifetime of contributions toward the building of a prosperous Singapore.